Will seeing the chiropractor be like the videos I have seen on social media?

Chiropractic social media myths

In short probably not.

While there is a wealth of good information on the internet, there is also a lot of content that is purely there to draw the viewer’s attention.

I have lost count of how many times we are asked or told about videos that patients have seen on TikTok or YouTube or other social media sites. Most videos involve someone very physically pulling and pushing a patient around, while the viewer hears lots of big clicking and popping noises. Our chiropractors watch these videos, often in horror. We also question in many of these videos if the said therapist is actually a qualified chiropractor at all.

At Beverley and Driffield Chiropractic Clinics, we treat using a variety of evidence-based techniques. You can read more about this on our ‘How we treat page’.

Treatment is tailored to each patient and this is always dependent upon the individual, their problem and their medical history. We only suggest treatment that will be the safest and most effective for your personal needs. Before treatment commences, the chiropractor will talk through the techniques they intend to use and treatment will only begin when you are happy to proceed and when you have had the opportunity to ask any questions.

Our chiropractors all have different areas of interest, and we will do our upmost to guide you to the chiropractor most suited to your needs.
