Beverley and Driffield Chiropractic
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Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee Osteoarthritis

We see all kinds of knee pain at the Beverley and Driffield Chiropractic Clinics, with knee osteoarthritis making up a large portion of cases. Manual therapy of the knee combined with exercise therapy has been shown to be effective to the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.

Posture tips for parents!

Posture tips for parents!

Baby Carriers/slings are a good option! Carriers are designed to keep your baby's weight close to your body, which reduces the stress that you will feel on your own back. Take time to set it up properly. Adjust the straps so that they are firmly tightened. Most will also have a waist strap - it isn't there to look pretty, use it!

Is being on my phone/tablet bad for my neck

Is being on my phone/tablet bad for my neck

We get asked all the time, “Is being on my phone/tablet bad for my neck?”According to new research by Correia (2021) and authors, the association between using our phones and neck pain is not as we may have previously thought.

Skiing/board Tips

Skiing/board Tips

Now that travel restrictions are lifting, it's so good to hear that people are finally getting back to the slopes. As an experienced skier myself, here are a few tips from me to make sure you stay safe and get the most out of that glorious snow!

Disc Pain

Disc Pain

TRUE OR FALSE? ‘A slipped disc means that the disc has slipped out of my spine’ This is false. A ‘slipped disc’, also known as a disc herniation or disc prolapse, is caused by the protrusion of the nucleus pulposus through the annular fibres, potentially causing compression on spinal nerves.