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Techniques We Use at
Beverley and Driffield Chiropractic Clinics

At Beverley and Driffield Chiropractic Clinics we treat everyone differently and tailor a treatment plan for you. This can be based on your preferences, goals, condition and consideration for any pre-existing medical conditions. Treatments may evolve and change as treatment and the patient’s health progress.

The vast majority of people respond to treatment and feel improvements within the first few treatments. Future needs, goals and expectations are reviewed and discussed at every visit. We frequently liaise with other healthcare providers when it is in the best interest of the patient and with the patient’s knowledge and consent.

Your Treatment May Involve

  • Muscle release techniques: We are trained in a variety of soft tissue techniques including; fascial edge, muscle energy technique, post isometric relaxation, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (try saying that quickly) and active assisted stretching.
  • A range of re-balancing and manipulative techniques: Chiropractic adjustments, mobilisation, passive continuous movement, flexion distraction, wave mobilisation, activator technique, and sacro-occipital technique.
  • Trigger Point therapy and pain relief Western Medical Acupuncture: A large proportion of many people’s pain and restrictions are due to protective muscular spasms and referred myofascial pain. Rapid and progressive relief is often achieved by neutralizing the active and latent trigger points.
  • Postural and Ergonomic advice: Although the single most important aspect of any problem is how healthy and functional your body can be, poor posture and ergonomics often play a part in many problems that we see. We can discuss and often help to address these situations.
  • Safe and Relevant exercises: Movement is essential to Biomechanical health, and choosing the right level of movement. Activity and exercise can be helpful in recovery and prevention of many musculoskeletal issues. Doing too much, too soon or simply the wrong thing is however detrimental. We can help guide you to determine the level of activity that is right for you.
  • Lifestyle and Nutritional advice: If you would like advice on desired and helpful changes to lifestyle and healthier living, we are happy to help.
  • Involvement of other health professionals if a multidiscipline approach is indicated: Often referral to other healthcare providers is desirable and helpful. We frequently work in co-operation with both private and NHS providers when it is in the patient’s interest to do so.

If necessary, we can refer for private MRI scans. It is occasionally necessary and desirable to seek a private, rather than NHS, route to getting an MRI scan. We take this step only at the request of the patient and after considered discussion.

Contact Us

Take that first step toward better health. Call Beverley and Driffield Chiropractic Clinics today to schedule an appointment!



Techniques We Use at Beverley and Driffield Chiropractic Clinics